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Shocking News(pitil my poor little heart)
Monday, December 29, 2008
12:28 PM

Yoyo people~~the real editor is back on to tell u about the new shocking news which didnt really hit the class alot...we already got use to it le^_^

As you know, our dear fren has just got together already..Congrates^^ to Alvin And Gina...best wishes from Dr. Colorwolf..

Enough of congrates..now we get to the real story of how those 2 unbelievable things got together~~
...it was a day where we had to go to the beach for bbq..that day we all happily gathered at yishun and all went down to pasir ris park for the bbq lah..eating all those fatty bbq-ed food..but thanks to the pit booker..we managed to burn some of the fats as we had to walk about half an hours carrying heavy loads all the way from E-hub to the pit.Stupid fire..damn hard to start..not like the sparks between our fren Melvin and Baoling la,keep flicking around.lots of eyes interaction, see alreaddy half sian..(keep on reading to find out)

and blah blah blah..the fire is started..and the bbq begins..blah blah blah..and some xtra things..Mel and Bao went for some romantic chat by the beach for almost 2 hrs and tatata~went home..

NOW,the best part..sheryln said that she wanted to go to her fren bdae party and so many send her to go and wait for her bus..and out main lead is among the many of them..half and hour the rest came back but our main lead ish not back wor..ok fina..ang tao gave us an explainationthey accompany sheryln to wait for the bus and it took them 2hrs+++ loh..go jb isit..and blah blah blah..

They are TGTH..WTH..(scare my little heart..)


Thursday, December 18, 2008
12:43 AM

SELFIE is back as promised :)
unlike someone who promised to update soon but apparently the soon never came.
right, BEN.? lol.
okay before i go on, whatever you're gonna read is to be of no offence at all. i repeat, NO OFFENCE. most of the names are to be sensored, only obvious nicknames will be used. hahah. in the event that i do offend anyone though, please do not go against BEN because credit is to SELFIE for this post. lol.

6-7 months ago...
cute couple miss mm and mr rocker d "started the ball rolling" being the first BK couple. things are going strong between them and hopefully they'll keep getting better :)
okay so, that was pretty expected, at least they didn't make me go "OMG.?!" when i found out about them. heh.

okay that's it for flashback. lol. so months passed, sparks flew, love filled the air. rumours surface every now and then, people just keep getting closer. or rather, SOME people. hahh. many things have happened, some of which shall not be mentioned.
but the "hot" topic is,
who adds on to the BK couple list.?

i shall first talk about my good friend.
some weeks ago, my good friend dropped the bombshell on me when he "announced" his attachment to miss loo.
like who wouldn't be.? OMG.?!?!?! no doubt i was frrrrreaking surprised. shocked, rather. there we were sitted around a table at koufu - me, him and 4 others to witness my uber shocked face. lololol. it took me long to digest what he told me, and i still thought he was joking -.- slap myself. lol. but but but, i guess i'm accepting that shocking fact. right. more like i'm immune to what i see. OOPS i didn't mean to refer to anything. lololol. but anyway BEN, you better treat your girl right or i'll make sure i help her kick your ass. lol.
alright. i shall not mention the juicy stuff and shall keep you guys in suspense instead. or is there no more juice because we've seen even what our innocent eyes shouldn't.? lololol.
verdict : official
so on to my other good friend, mr head prefect (aka mr basketball).
the dying question : has the so called "yi nian" bian.?
lol. so we were joking one fine day outside the shopping arcade, "debating" over whether or not mr head prefect has had a change of heart. as much as we reeeally wanna believe that his "yi nian" really bu bian, does his actions prove for or otherwise.? miss hongkong came into the picture not sure when and how, and all of a sudden the "yi nian" may not last yi nian afterall. lololol. in the case of this love triangle, one party is relieved, the other uncertain, and the main character confused. you guys decide who are the parties involved and how the link works. hahh. but closer and closer mr head prefect and miss hk get, however denying rumours saying that they are "just good friends".
is there more than meets the eye.?
and will that "yi nian" really last yi nian.?
we shall wait and see. lol.
verdict : unofficial, rumoured
now on to the VERY smart-at-denying couple, mr bad boy/ex-king of gambler and miss ah bao. till this very second, those two are still not quite admitting their status though it's as clear as crystal that they are more than "just friends". picture of her putting her hand into his pocket tells it all, maybe.? lol. nothing much to say since it's chopped, signed, 101% sure that things aren't so simple between them, and they can carry on their denial. maybe they're already official, just that we don't know *hints hints* but anyway, they look pretty alright as a pair, just that... why why why must good girl end up with bad boy.? lololol.
verdict : unofficially official ??? you guys be the judge.

so there you go, the 3 "in-the-limelight" couples. the list of gossips/rumours/scandals goes on for sure, be it new, old, or on the sly. like mr 'completely incomplete perfectly imperfect ^^' and ahem ahem (identity protected), mr policeman and miss kodak moment/you-don't-disturb-me. lol. a pity i don't have the million dollar picture of patrick woo and whoever he sat beside during one of the lectures, with his arm over her chair. lololol. what about callie, patrick woo.? ^^ tsk tsk.

alrighty. i shall stop here.
once again, NO OFFENCE for the above information leaked. heh.
peace, yo ;)
be back for more updates, by BEN himself or meee :)
till then, start tagging this "lost" blog again, people! :D

yours truly,



Monday, December 01, 2008
8:26 PM

hola people.! :)))

before i start, fyi, it's yours truly, SELFIE :D
i'm taking over colour wolf for the time being and so you won't be seeing any 'liao', 'le', 'lah', 'lei' and whatever cheena words in this as well as the upcoming post(s). lol.

since i'm such a goooooooood friend of BEN LUI WEI NAM, i shall do the "honour" of helping my good friend relive this freaking dead blog of his. so much for the promise to update soon, BEN -.- how many months ago did you make that promise of yours.? hahah. but anyway, it's been a pretty busy week so i shall update proper when the semester break comes in 2 weeks' time. and SELFIE will do what she promises :) heh. meanwhile, watch what you do, people. for i am watching you. lololol. what's a gossip blog without gossips, rumours and scandals, agree agree agree.? so... stay tune for my update.! ;)



Wohoo~Rumors Rumors
Friday, August 29, 2008
3:52 PM

Hey ppl..nice to meet u again!!PLUS I'm proud to anouunce that i had already got my master degree for being a color wolf..so pls call me Master Sezlang from now..and sry for not blogging for quite some time as i had went for MY class chalet and HAHA~i found more information on our latest discovery!Mr melmel and Miss bao were damn damn damn damn close together when we went to the chalet..they ate together..slp together(melmel uses telling ghost stories that old trick to scare bao)and mel finally lend his jacket to his forth loving womam in his life and blah blah blah~~wohoo.Isn't that great..our good fren melmel finally found his new beloved le..but they stil abit shy lah..din want to admit..SO..i give u two a quote from my master(Master Pitka):
B e
L loving and
O penhearted
W ith

M y
E motions

Then u ppl would be able to break thru those stupid feeling of urs and fell into the river of love!
Wohoo~and ppl..Maaster Sezlang oso would provide you ppl with information on LOVE(in the air)with a charge of 20€ /min.

Tatas!!I'm in a rush for my PHD lesson..promiss to update soon.


Return of colorwolfbenn
Saturday, August 23, 2008
1:40 AM

Harlo everybody,i mr colorwolf ish back lah!!Back with more juicy gosiips or should i say..99% truth?! During my mugging period,i didnt rest lah..i stil went around and collect infomation on gossips for u ppl..
The latest news is that we had found out that Mr melmel and Miss bao is going very close lah.."study" together lah(2 person nia)..at amk,coffee bean located at sbw and other place lah..share drink and sit together when we go out for our late lunch on tuesday...and b4 that..Mr melmel stil lied that i was going to join him and Miss bao in their "study session" sia hummm..do u ppl think that they are really together?Or isit that its just another show that Mr melmel put up again to try and coover up for his crime?We shall see in the future as paper cannot wrap up fire lah.ADMIT IT!!!You feel better, we feel better cos we not need to gueess anymore and u can hold hand and do lots of other things lah!!Y not man!JUS DO IT!!JIAYOU!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008
12:20 AM

Pls be infromed that Mr colorwolf is going on a study trip for 2 weeks or so because he doesnt want to fail his exam and not seeing his classmate again..thus he would be stop blogging for these period...




Return of colorwolf
Saturday, August 09, 2008
9:58 PM

Part 1
Woohoo~~colorwolf is back on to tell on people story liao..i'm sry ppl for not updating my blog for so long liao lah..the reason behond this is because my hand is injured and also because i was tired..However,during my rest time..i nva sit around and did nth..i went to collect info on other people gossip lah..I recently got the latest info of Miss turtle and Miss Curfew joining of frizbee because they wanted to get near Mr Puma aka Melvin..hehe..the formation of Melvin lovestory has now increased to the battle between 3 persons liao lah..(if i know i that the result would be like this,i oso go for intense sun tann classes),Now the show is becoming more and more interesting liao lah..btw people..this info is also being proven by Miss Turtle when we meet her for our anuunal mahjong lesson lah..
end of part 1

Part 2
Bao ling has chosen love over frenship lah...you ppl must be wandering y i said this rite.SIMPLE!!because i saw her betraying her past tense fren and went to help Melvin lah..yytd was our mahjong session and baoling went (not surprising lah)and melvin dun noe y..very suay..cant seems to be getting what he wanted..so he called for help from bao ling cos he thought she could help her as they had won abit together in the last mahjong game..and upon hearing that,baoling shot up and went as fast as lighting(abit lame) to Melvin sit and took over lah..which is totally different situation when she was behind Miss Curfew(past tense fren,present tense rival)..when she behind xinni,she liek dun care lah,let her anyhow hit card..some sort of she die her problem like that..haix..so much for fren who even went to the toilet together with you last time lah..other than that..she oso sit opposite of Melvin when we went out for dinner lah..damn happy scene...ppl around seems as tot we werent there as they chat happily..and after dinner when we went back to Melvin hse for a little game of poker..baoling and Melvin become more happy lah..they sat together when Mel's ah gong said they needed the table for dinner..and worse of all..both of them were damn intimate lah..talk softly(whisper),then blah blah blah..think of it also make me feel shy...
end of part 2

Thanks ppl!!

Info prouldy sponsored by: Unknown


July 2008 August 2008 December 2008

always remembered

Ben Lui
aka colorwolf

sexy girls

18 soon
sry looks

I love you



